Meeting Etiquette – Skype and Zoom

Meeting Etiquette is not something taught in school. Etiquette refers to good manners required by an individual. It is important for an individual to behave appropriately in public to earn respect and appreciation. Here is a guide for those of you that are new to business meetings. This is also a good refresher for those that have been working from home for a while and may have forgotten how to act in meetings.

Adherence to the proper meeting etiquette for a business meeting establishes respect among meeting participants. A lack of etiquette and poor planning are two of the main reasons why many business meetings fail. Teach your attendees business meeting etiquette to ensure that your business meetings are effective.


1. Be on Time – Arrive early

How many times have you been in a meeting where you are waiting on someone pertinent to the discussion? Unfortunately, time management is a huge issue with meetings. If participants are 5-10 minutes late, once the small talk is over, there is minimal time to discuss the important things. And if you run over time, that means the next meeting starts late. It’s a vicious cycle! Use your Google calendar to keep you on time.

2. Wear Your Pants – Follow the business dress code

Sure, we have all gotten very comfortable with working from home. What’s more comfortable than rolling out of bed and turning on your computer? Remember that it is a business meeting so dress appropriately. If you are going to be on camera, a little bit of effort is necessary. Nobody wants to see your naked chest or your underwear or pajamas!

You want to be an example so continue with the Do’s.

3. Mute Yourself

Even if you are the only person other than the presenter in the meeting, you should mute yourself when not speaking.  Background noise can be easily picked up. Let’s face it, we are all used to everyone being home and dogs barking in the background. Nothing to be embarrassed about but mute yourself so the meeting is not interrupted.

4. You Don’t Always Need to be on Camera

Yes, we have all heard that to really feel the collaboration between your team, you should be able to see each other. But sometimes, it’s okay to turn your camera off.  Life happens.  If your dog is needy, or the kids are in the background, or maybe you just don’t feel very good and would rather not be the shining star you always are, turn the camera off. 

5. Fix Your Background

Whether you use Skype or Zoom, part of meeting etiquette is that you have a suitable background. You have the ability to change your background.  You can always have your normal background if you have a nice home office space. If your workspace is in the kitchen or your bedroom, you can blur your background or choose one of the fancy backgrounds that are preset in your platform. Or if you are really talented, you can make your own background! Lounging in bed or by the pool in your swimsuit is not proper meeting etiquette.

meeting etiquette

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Don’t Do This

1. Don’t Multitask – Stay Focused!

Always focus entirely on the meeting. This is especially important and is being respectful of the speaker(s). Listen – really listen! to what others are saying. We are all busy, but it is important to pay attention. You may find that many of the questions you have about a topic are answered by the content of the meeting. Listen attentively to the meeting and take notes. Active listening is respectful and gives you a solid base for formulating your response.

Turn off your cell phone or put it off to the side so it is not distracting to you. If you are expecting an urgent call, then set your phone to vibrate and excuse yourself from the meeting if the call comes in.

It might seem like you can get away with multitasking, but people will usually notice. For example, someone may be asking you a question, and if you’re distracted by something else, you may not realize it. They may have to repeat themselves a few times until they get your attention.

Or, you may miss important information while replying to an email.

It can be considered rude to multitask during a Zoom meeting. If you wouldn’t multitask at the meeting if it were held in person, you probably shouldn’t do so if it’s held over the internet, either.

Eating, Smoking or Drinking? Not a good idea

2. Don’t Eat, Smoke or Slurp

There is nothing more disgusting or rude than being on screen and watching someone stuff their face with their breakfast, snack, or lunch. Eat beforehand or afterward.  There is no room for food in business meetings – period. If you must eat, turn off your camera and mute so the attendees cannot hear you munching.

It also shows a certain level of disrespect to the other participants. It may appear as if you couldn’t care less about the meeting. Even chewing gum might come close to crossing the line, so avoid it if you can. It’s not even like you need to freshen your breath for the other attendees.

It should also go without saying that while nobody in the meeting will inhale your second-hand smoke, smoking in a Zoom meeting is typically considered unprofessional.

Show courtesy and respect to fellow attendees

3. Don’t Interrupt

Don’t interrupt others or talk over them, just like you wouldn’t in a real meeting. It can get confusing and disorienting when multiple participants in a Zoom meeting are talking at once. Everyone on the call should get the chance to speak without interruptions. Be considerate of others in the meeting. When they talk, listen to what they are saying.  Each person should be given a turn without another talking over them, monopolizing the conversation.  It’s like a debate – you’ll get your five minutes.  Let the other person get theirs too. Only speak when you have the floor. Ask questions during the designated question period, and raise your hand to be recognized. Do not interrupt someone while they are speaking or asking a question.

In a physical meeting, the voices are at least separated, coming from different places around the table or different parts of the room. In a Zoom meeting, however, all the voices are heard from a single sound source – each attendee’s computer.

As an aside, that’s why it’s a good idea for everyone to be muted unless they are actively speaking. That way, all participants can look at the screen and see who is talking.

Otherwise, the background noise from some participants can make it hard to hear the speaker.

4. Don’t Type

There is nothing more distracting than when someone is speaking, hearing the sounds of someone furiously typing.  It is so loud over the microphone. Jot things down in a notebook or invest in a good quality headset.

Uninvited guests are not always welcomed

5. Don’t Invite Unnecessary People

I’m sure we have all been invited to meetings where five minutes in, you’re thinking to yourself, “Why am I here?” Everyone’s time is valuable, so when organizing a meeting, even virtual, be mindful of who adds value to the discussion. Adding people to the invite list, just to have more bodies isn’t productive.

Don’t bring along guests. If you think that the meeting will be productive by bringing a guest, make arrangements with the meeting organizer before the meeting.

Meeting etiquette is one of those pieces of training that leaders forget. Most think that everyone should just “know” it. So it’s important that you stop and remember to get with your attendees and show them the ropes. They will appreciate it and will appreciate that you took the time. It would be great if more leaders would add meeting etiquette to their training modules for all new people.

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meeting etiquette