EMF Protection Amulet

EMF Protection Amulet – we have the best! We live in a “smart” world today. So many things are now wireless. From our phones to our computers, and even our electrical meters. While this has many benefits — I can’t imagine not using my cell phone! — it can have serious health effects. It is necessary we take some simple steps to protect ourselves.

With all the new technology there comes a price. And the price is your health! Many don’t stop to think about the energy emitted from all the devices that we use every day. It’s time to educate yourself and understand the good with the bad. Good is convenience – bad is the EMF’s being emitted into your body. What? Yes, there is an energy exchange between your body and any device you are using or are near.

What are EMF’s

Electric and magnetic fields (EMFs) are invisible waves of energy. They are associated with electrical power; various forms of natural and man-made lighting. EMFs are grouped into two categories:

  • Non-ionizing: low-level radiation; generally perceived as harmless to humans
  • Ionizing: high-level radiation which has the potential for cellular and DNA damage
emf protection
Provided by NIEHS. The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) is expanding and accelerating its contributions to scientific knowledge of human health and the environment, and to the health and well-being of people everywhere.

An electric field is produced by voltage, which is the pressure used to push the electrons through the wire, much like water being pushed through a hose. As the voltage increases, the electric field increases in strength.

A magnetic field results from the flow of current through wires or electrical devices and increases in strength as the current increases. The strength of a magnetic field decreases rapidly with increasing distance from its source.

Whether a gadget is turned on or not, electric fields are still produced. Only when current is flowing, which typically needs the gadget to be turned on, can magnetic fields form. Considering that current is constantly flowing through power lines, magnetic fields are continuously produced by them. In contrast to magnetic fields, which can flow through structures, living creatures, and most other materials, electric fields are easily insulated or diminished by walls and other objects.

Electromagnetic fields, or EMFs, are a combination of electric and magnetic fields. Electromagnetic radiation generates the electric and magnetic forces found in EMFs.

Common Ways of Exposure

Here are 10 of the most common, many of which you can control.

  1. Cell phones and cordless phones.
  2. Laptops
  3. Microwave ovens
  4. Bluetooth devices (such as speakers, headphones, mouse, keyboard)
  5. WiFi itself
  6. Smart televisions and radios
  7. Power lines and cell phone towers (also known as base stations)
  8. Household smart devices (meters, security systems, thermostats, and vacuums)
  9. Air travel including preflight scanners
  10. X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs

Symptoms of EMF exposure

  • sleep disturbances, including insomnia.
  • headache.
  • depression and depressive symptoms.
  • tiredness and fatigue.
  • dysesthesia (a painful, often itchy sensation)
  • lack of concentration.
  • changes in memory.
  • dizziness.

Why is this important to you?

EMF radiation or other people’s energy can deplete and scatter your energy. Together, this technology emits “electropollution.” It is every bit as real as the toxins you have heard about, i.e. heavy metals, pesticides, and household chemicals. Ensuring we steer clear of electropollution as much as possible, just like with other toxins, will help us on our journey to optimal health.

EMF Protection Amulet – now available!

Patented technology + Field Tested, our amulet includes advanced technology to help the body fight off electromagnetic pollution and other harmful stressors. It helps the body function more optimally.

EMF protection is not expensive if you know where to look. Placing protection devices on your cell phones, laptops, iPads, and other electronic devices will help you maintain a healthy lifestyle. On top of that, you can ensure your personal protection by wearing fashionable jewelry. No matter where you are or what device you encounter, you will have some protection against EMF emissions with this beautiful amulet. Make sure you order your emf protection amulet today.

So now that you are armored with some simple facts about EMF issues and dangers you can guard yourself against it. Feeling a bit stressed, out of sorts, or just really tired and you don’t know why? Take a walk outside and commune with nature. Take off your shoes and walk around your yard barefoot. Or if you are close to the ocean, take a walk on the beach and let your toes dig in the sand. Find a way to ground yourself to Mother Earth. Let her help you reset yourself to your natural frequency.

There are products out there that will help you absorb any negative energy, including EMF waves. Personal protection is the key to your health. With these amazing stones, pyramids, and EMF protection jewelry, you will have a healthier outcome around EMF emissions. Take a look!

Biohacking is the way to help protect yourself

Next, it is time to get your body back in balance.

With these biohacking snaps, you can literally get your spiritual aura back clean. Relieve your stress, anxiety, and depression with one of our snaps. Need help with premature aging of your skin? Is your hair getting a bit thin? How about needing a bit more restful sleep? It is all here in these snaps. Go here and get yours today!

As you protect yourself against EMF waves with the products featured here, join us in a glass of fine wine knowing that you are striving for a better mind, body, and spirit. Check out the amazing wine of the month club where you get fine wines from Napa and Sonoma valley. And the cherry on top! Your monthly orders will be delivered directly to you. Check this out now.