Protection From EMF Exposure

Protection from EMF exposure naturally. I’ve been curious about how to protect the body from EMF energy fields. With all of the electrical devices that surround us in our homes and office, how is this electrical energy affecting us? Energy points in your body, also known as Chakras, should stay “open” and aligned. The chakras correspond to bundles of nerves, major organs, and areas of energy fields in our body. These energy fields affect our emotional and physical well-being. And most importantly, they are affected by EMF exposure. We have the products to protect you from EMFs here.

Why should we protect ourselves against EMF energy fields?

As a matter of fact, many of us are unaware of the potential health risks that come with the gadgets that make our world work. Electric and magnetic fields join as one field in most forms of radiation. The result is called an electromagnetic field (EMF). Electric and magnetic fields (EMFs) are produced anywhere electricity is used. Do I have your attention now?

Since time began, the sun has sent out waves that create EMFs, or radiation. As the sun sends out EMFs, you can see its energy radiating out in the form of visible light. Through science, we now know that many current and emerging electrical appliances and devices also create EMFs.

Sources of EMFs that we are most familiar with include medical devices (e.g., X-ray imaging machines, and CT scans), radioactive elements, UV radiation (e.g., tanning beds, the sun). However, you may be surprised to learn household appliances (e.g., microwave ovens, washing machines, hairdryers, etc.) emit EMFs. Today, 90 percent of the world’s population has access to electricity and uses electrical appliances and devices. Imagine all of the EMFs that are created around the world.

In the age of cellular telephones, wireless routers, and the Internet of things, concerns persist about possible connections between EMF and adverse health effects. These exposures are actively being studied by NIEHS (National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences) who recommends continued education on practical ways of reducing exposures to EMFs.

Not only is this pyramid beautiful, but it also provides EMF Protection!

Protection from EMF

Ultimately, there are steps you can take to protect yourself. I’ve found a great resource for a variety of devices. You will want to check these out here.

In addition, here are a few other steps you can take.

  • Don’t sit or linger near appliances.
  • Put your phone down.
  • Use the speaker function or earbuds with your phone.
  • Don’t carry your phone in a pocket.
  • Unplug occasionally from electronic devices and electricity. 
  • Turn off your computer(s) and routers when not using the computer.

Energy Healing

Everything in the universe is energy. When our Chakras are in balance, our lives are in complete harmony and our health is good. In other words, if a chakra becomes blocked and exposed to negative energy such as EMFs, we can experience emotional distress and disease. When we heal and maintain our energy health, we actually heal issues that may come up before they manifest in the physical body.


There are seven major chakras within your body, each serving a purpose, yet being interconnected.

The upper three chakras are considered the spiritual chakras, and the lower three are considered the physical chakras. Finally, both are connected by the Heart chakra.

A Solution for BOTH Energy Healing and EMF!

Your body, mind, and spirit will thank you! Live Well!

In addition, we have the most incredible bio-hacking health solution for you today! This is a 1-2 punch that will knock it out of the park. You won’t find this perfect solution to get your body in the best condition anywhere else. New science – bio-hacking – is having amazing results for so many people. We have found the solution, and it is available here!